Pirates, golden bananas and a global scavenger hunt. An alternate reality treasure hunt to release XBOX’s new Sea of Thieves game into the world.

XBOX launched their new multiplayer Sea of Thieves video game with a cross-channel campaign including an alternate reality treasure hunt, planned and created by the ARG experts No Mimes Media. The first group of gamers to solve a series of 15 complex clues and save the stranded pirate Umbra would be awarded €80,000 worth of golden bananas. Yes, a bunch of bananas formed from real gold!

My role –


“Amateur” photo & video 

Cat herder

Results –

Part of a larger campaign

7 gamers found the clue & distributed it on social media

Bananas were found! 

The fastest selling new first party title on XBOX One.

(U)X marks the spot.

When participating in a global game launch incorporating alternate reality elements, it’s all about making everything accessible. Online and offline channels have to be considered and time zones balanced. For the Sea of Thieves launch this meant that the 9am PST timing was paramount to give people finding the clue in person a slight advantage while still giving XBOX a quick footage turnaround to include the rest of the global audience.

For One Net, this meant all hands on deck. For me, it meant that in order for the scene to create a crowd and stir up a buzz, I had to become the audience. 

From my role as a clue-seeker, I was able to capture images and video used to spread the clue across global channels.

Raw photos –

Finished product–

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Yarr matey.